
Being a music student it seems almost natural to join the music society which is basically just finding another reason to go out and smashed. Ha like we need a reason. But nonetheless this was the first time we was meeting up as a music group  and we were going to celebrate Halloween. Honestly this was such a good night it gave us the opportunity to meet all the other students in other years on the course as well as have fun and well dress up (okay maybe not the best thing) but I dressed up all the same (arguably). Okay so you could tell we were students on a budget but we looked good! The best costume went to Max as the poundland vampire with the awful plastic cape that cost well a pound and was basically a bin liner. No seriously we could have used it in the bin. But a great night truly.


And then Halloween came to our flat so we put cobwebs around the windows, cupboards and T.V. There was many pranks pulled with plastic spiders and we had mini skeleton lights around the place too. But my greatest achievement was probably carving the pumpkins. Ever since I was a little girl my mum and I always carved pumpkins and so for the flat I did two myself and I was mighty proud of them really.

IMG_7278 ‘There is magic in the night when the pumpkins glow by moonlight’

~Just Another University Student


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